Loribelle Spirovski Filipino Australian, b. 1990

 "In my practice I have found that portraiture enables me to reflect through the sitter, who becomes a conduit for both their own anxieties, as well as mine. My practice is an attempt to externalise internal conflict, creating a juxtaposition of movement and stillness that forms an unsettling effect, evoking a surreal and dreamlike quality. It is in this dreamlike place that the spectre of mortality emerges, and though my art is often considered 'dark,' I believe it is ultimately redemptive as it lays bare an emotional truth." - Loribelle Spirovski

Born in Manila in 1990, Loribelle Spirovski resettled in Australia in 1999. Her work is influenced by the contrasting images of both countries, as well as her parent's mixed European-Asian ethnicities. Having spent a childhood creating collages, drawing, and. sculptures, she embarked upon formal artistic study at the College of Fine Arts, Sydney, where she graduated in 2012.