George Tjungurrayi Indigenous Australian, b. 1947

George Tjungurrayi's unique visual language sublimates the details of his relationship to these sacred places and their information into dynamic linear compositions painted in simple, precise lines.
George Hairbrush Tjungurrayi, one of the original members of what were to become the Aboriginal art movement, was born around 1943 in his country North West of Kiwirrkurra, located in the Gibson Desert in Western Australia. George's 'sisters' are Naata Nungurrayi and Nganngi (Nancy) Nungurrayi, both well-known artists like George. George and his family lived a traditional life until they came out of the desert via Mt Doreen Station and Yuendumu. In 1962, George walked to Papunya as a guide for Jeremy Long's Welfare Branch patrol.